Евгений Лебедев
In financial theory, liquidity is defined as the ability of an asset to be bought or sold quickly at a price close to the market price. Simply put, liquid is an asset that can be easily and quickly converted into money without losing value. Liquidity applies to all financial markets, from stocks to precious metals, but some are more liquid than others. For example, fiat currencies (issued by governments) are characterized by absolute liquidity because they can be exchanged at any time for services, goods, and other financial instruments. At the same time, an individual fiat currency may also be less liquid than another - while the US dollar can be exchanged anywhere in the world, Australian dollars may be difficult to exchange
The more a given asset is traded, the more likely it is that your order will be satisfied (and therefore that the asset will be bought or sold quickly), hence the higher the liquidity.
There are several factors that affect the liquidity of an asset. We will look at the most important ones:
- Daily trading volume is the most important factor. The higher the volume, the higher the liquidity of the asset. Any significant change in trading volume will result in a change in liquidity;
- Spread - the difference between the best bid price and the best ask price in the order book, also gives information about the liquidity of the market: the more liquid the market, the lower the spread;
- Order Book Depth - shows the number of orders available at different price levels. The deeper the order book, the higher the liquidity;
- Seasonality - a factor that can lead to fluctuations in liquidity. Certain periods of the year are less intense in the financial markets, such as in the run-up to the release of companies' annual results in the equity market.
In general, the more liquid a market is, the more its participants value it and seek to trade in it. Thus, liquidity is one of the main financial instruments in the Forex market.The more liquid the market is, the less volatility, i.e. price fluctuations, in it. There is a negative correlation between volatility and liquidity.
Types of liquidity
There are three types of liquidity depending on how quickly the owner of the asset can exchange it for money:
- The most liquid assets (A1): These include cash and short-term investments because they can be sold in an extremely short period of time. Such assets can be sold in less than one day;
- Quickly realizable assets (A2): Such assets take longer to realize and can be sold in up to a year. This category includes real estate, finished goods, and accounts receivable;
- Slow (A3) and illiquid (A4) assets: Such assets are either extremely difficult or impossible to sell. These are long term investments, assets of burnt out companies and so on.
Why is liquidity important?
We have determined that liquidity is a fundamental concept in the world of finance. It represents the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without a change in its market price. A liquid market allows investors to sell their assets quickly when needed, which greatly reduces risk. In an illiquid market, investors may be forced to sell at unfavorable prices, resulting in significant losses. In addition, a market with high liquidity tends to be more stable and less prone to fluctuations. This factor is especially important when trading cryptocurrencies, whose volatility can be extremely high.
In fact, high liquidity can help stabilize prices, which is beneficial for those who want to invest their money in them. High liquidity allows for better market analysis. In a liquid market, transaction data is more reliable and allows for a better assessment of market trends. This is very important for traders who rely on technical analysis to make investment decisions.
Which markets are the most liquid?
The most liquid asset is cash because it can be instantly converted into other assets. On the other hand, markets that sell physical assets are less liquid (such as real estate or artwork). Here are some of the most liquid markets:
- Forex - The Forex market is considered the most liquid market in the world. The major pairs are traded by governments, banks private individuals. Unlike other highly liquid markets, there are no stable prices in the Forex market. The foreign exchange market is known for its volatility, which is what makes it so interesting for traders. Small and exotic pairs trade worse, making them less liquid.
- Stocks - the stock market generally varies in liquidity, with large company stocks generally being more liquid than small company stocks. More liquid stocks have more stable prices and are likely to have more active traders willing to buy and sell them.
- Commodities - Each commodity market has different levels of liquidity. Oil is the most actively traded commodity, which generally means that this market is liquid, although issues such as storage shortages have been known to cause liquidity risk when no one wants to buy the commodity.
Thus, understanding the principle of liquidity is essential for successful trading and investing. High liquidity in your assets ensures that your investments are safe and efficient - whether you want to buy or sell, there will always be someone willing to take your trade. This makes trading easier and the market more efficient.
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